Radio Caprice Funk Rock / Metal
Популярные артисты на радиостанции «Radio Caprice Funk Rock / Metal»

Популярные треки «Radio Caprice Funk Rock / Metal» за неделю:
1. fun lovin' criminals — love unlimited
2. extreme — get the funk out
3. fun lovin' criminals — korean bodega
4. faith no more — we care a lot
5. fishbone — when problems arise
6. living colour — glamour boys
7. extreme — rest in peace
8. the les claypool frog brigade — lights in the sky
9. primus — harold of the rocks
10. stevie salas — may god bless you
Последние треки «Radio Caprice Funk Rock / Metal»:
23:21 mordred — splinter down (radio edit)
23:08 mother's finest — give you all the love
23:04 scorpion — happy blues time
23:00 mantis — shake that fat
22:55 faith no more — stripsearch
22:49 redbone — physical attraction
22:45 suicidal tendencies — don't give me your nothing
22:41 rollins band — your number is one
22:35 freaky fukin' weirdoz — aliens
22:31 incubus — love hurts (acoustic)
Каналы радиостанции «Radio Caprice Funk Rock / Metal»

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